UNRESERVED Estate Auction
Saturday June 25, 2016 @ 3PM
(with selected additions)
Gallery Preview Dates/Times: Thursday June 23: 11-5 PM – Friday June 24: 11-5 PM, (*Note NEW Friday closing time 5pm) Saturday June 25: 12 Noon – 2:45 PM, Auction begins at 3 PM
Copake Auction will hold a cataloged estate auction on Saturday June 25th starting at 3PM. Previews will be Thursday June 23rd 11-5PM, Friday June 24th 11-5PM and Saturday June 25th 12PM until 2:45PM. The auction will feature 763 lots culled from various estates in the tristate region.
A group of Mid Century furniture will feature an Isamu Noguchi “Rudder” table (for Herman Miller), with metal and wooden legs. 50″ x 36″ x 26″ Ht., this piece came from a Long Island estate with other Mid Century items and will sold with no minimum or reserve. Other Mid Century lots include a George Nelson for Herman Miller cabinet, Herman Miller chair, George Tanier cabinet, Breur Wassily Chairs, Knoll Saarinen chairs, Mies Van Der Rohe daybed and more.
A selection of quality furniture will sold including a 19th c. diminutive corner cupboard, grandfather clock, Windsor chairs, Campaign chests, 18th c. highboy, Mission oak, Shaker chairs, blanket boxes and more.
A trade sign collection will be included. Also included will be toys, banks, doorstops (including a man on bale of cotton), a bronze figure in boat marked, Duchoiselle (France 19th Century), metalware, primitives, period accessories and more.
A large collection of china and glassware will be sold including Historical Staffordshire, bottles, Sandwich glass lamp, Chinese ceramics, pottery etc.
Artwork will include original paintings (many listed artists), primitives, prints, etchings, engravings and more.